Baking Soda Throughout the House
10 Ways to freshen up
What you'll need:
Baking soda
Assorted other common ingredients
Shampooing your carpet
1/2 cup baking soda w/ 1 gal warm water in a bucket. Sprinkle additional baking soda on specific stains. *always test for colorfastness*
Carpet Stain Removal
Sprinkle the stain immediately with baking soda. Leave on until wine or other liquid absorbed, then vacuum up residue.
Fresh those carpets!
Monthly, sprinkle plain baking soda before going to bed and vacuum in the morning. Or for an overnight deodorizing, add this to your carpet: 1/2 cup baking soda, 1/2 cup cornstarch and 15 drops of your favorite essential oil.
Rid fleas from your carpet
Sprinkle one cup baking soda with 15 drops of rosemary, pennyroyal, or citronella pure essential oil and leave on overnight. Vacuum in the morning.
Prevent ice slips and falls
Sprinkle baking soda on your front steps and walkway. It will provide traction and melt the ice.
Maintain pH in your septic tank
Wash a cup of baking soda down your drain one a week. pH is important to break down waste and liquify. Also it helps prevent concrete corrosion.
Eliminate smoke odors on upholstery in car or home
Sprinkle generously with baking soda and let set for several minutes before vacuuming.
Freshen mops and household rags
Mix 4 tbsp of baking soda per quart of warm water to soak mops and rags, rinse and let dry.
Keep your suitcase fresh inside
Sprinkle inside of suitcase with baking soda before storing away for your next trip
Reduce ashtray odor
Sprinkle a small bit of baking soda in the bottom of the ashtray
Tips from Baking Soda: Over 500 Fabulous, Fun, and Frugal Uses You've Probably Never Thought of by Vicki Lansky
Part IV Coming soon and involves the closets and laundry. Subscribe so you don't miss it!
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