Monday, August 18, 2014

What resembles a daisy and has the power to heal?

This plant's essential oil does just that! It is called Roman Chamomile.

According to the doTERRA blog, this apple-scented plant's oil calms the body, mind, and skin. It soothes the systems of the body, and promotes a healthy inflammatory response.

Want the whole story on Roman Chamomile Essential Oil by doTERRA? Go here.

Looking to purchase some today or in the future? Go here.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Cinnamon Toothpicks to fight cravings

Craving something sweet? Chew on this instead. Easy DIY

Only use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils for ingesting the oils. You can get your own here.

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DIY Your Own Backyard BBQ

Time for a new grill? How about making your own!

The directions for this great DIY project are here.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Got a late summer cold??

Sneezing, sniffling, coughing your way through August?

 Get it nipped in the bud straight away. Before you shell out all your cash on doctor visits, prescription drugs, or over the counter remedies, try essential oils. Purchase yours here.

For more tips and tricks with essential oils, check out my Facebook page.


DIY: Powder Cleanser

Love Powder Cleansers but hate the chemicals and the cost?

Me too! Did you know that most cleaning products say they are toxic? Who wants to clean surfaces in your kitchen with toxins? Well, you might, you say...if that is the only way for it to really feel clean.

There is a solution folks! DIY it of course!


You might have noticed in my information that I've become familiar with doTERRA Essential Oils. Well, obsessed is really a little more accurate. 

So, you might guess that this solution uses essential oils from doTERRA.

Here is the blog post from the doTERRA blog. Enjoy this recipe as it has just a few ingredients and works like a charm. 

You can purchase your lemon EO here