Monday, September 16, 2013

Ban Those Chapped and Dry Lips!

DIY Lip Polish

Why am I smiling in this picture? I'll never tell! Seriously though, I have been using lip polish off and on for years. The one I bought in the drugstore was nasty tasting and smelled awful. No more!

What you'll need:

Shea Butter
Regular or brown sugar
Raw honey
Small bowl
Essential oil (I used peppermint)
Re-purposed container (used contact lens case)

What you'll do:

This is crazy simple! Raw honey is pretty solid, so melt in the microwave for just a few seconds (less than 10).

Add 2 tbsp of sugar to 1 tsp of raw honey and mix well.

Add a well-stirred or whipped-up Tbsp of Shea Butter.

Now add just a drop of two of your chosen essential oil.

Pour immediately into your container and label. Let set just a bit and cool off before closing up container.

To Use:

At night before bed, dip your clean finger into your container and scoop up a bit of it. Rub all over your lips. Continue rubbing for about 60 seconds. It will smell divine.

If you have really a lot of dead skin on your lips, you can use a very soft toothbrush to assist with this process. (or maybe you don't want this mixture all over your finger)

Rinse with warm water.  Pat dry and apply a moisturizing lip balm. 

Do this a couple times a week for softer, smoother lips that feel more alive! 


Being even slightly dehydrated will cause chapped lips. The weather we'll have coming up this winter will make this worse. Don't forget to drink your water this fall and winter!


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